
Influenced Views

      We had a discussion in class about the different ways that people are influenced in their political views. There were many different influences such as school, parents, friends, and environment, just to name a few examples. Personally, I’ve had two big influences on my political views that have to be certain teachers I’ve had during high school and my uncle. Firstly, my parents were never a big influence on me from the beginning, that’s mainly because they aren’t very involved in politics. Their attitude is that if they have a problem within their district, they won’t find ways to approach anyone to rectify the situation. I believe this is because they were born and raised in a corrupt country that had an unstable government. The government was never about the people; it was a more repressive government rather than a government that empowered people. That’s why their beliefs are more around the idea that the government wouldn’t be able to help them in any sort of situation. I, on the other hand, have a more proactive view on these sorts of situation. My uncle has always been the type to basically say that if you’re not happy about something, you better go out and fix it any way you can. He’s also the one that’s always been talking to me about current political issues within Canada and also around the world. I’ve been exposed to different situations that many haven’t, for example I’ve been to a rally before which was an experience most people haven’t gotten. My other influence has been my law teachers in any grade. I’ve always been interested in law and hope to pursue that in the future, so many beliefs that my law teachers have had have been transferred to me. This might simply be because I can relate to them a lot more than I could relate to lets say my math teachers! Lastly, friends and peers have never actually influenced my choices, I often times disagree with what they think!

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